Sunday, 11 November 2012

Lost: Afterlife

Yes yes yes I know its been a long time but I got a good excuse - travelled across the sea. got engaged, and married. Been busy working on our script too, will make a great bollywood movie.

Anywhoz, I introduced my wife to the awesomeness that is Lost and got me to thhinking maybe I should post my script for Lost:Afterlife coz lets be honest the ending did leave a bitter taste on our tongue not as bad as Lennon I mean english feels on Dogen's tongue but still there was a lacking for something more. Also I cant let go so Im tired of people telling me that I can - So stop telling me what I can do.

Lost Season 7 Afterlife Paraody

Narrator: Previously on Lost:

Losties entered the white light

Charlie: Guys, where are we?

Sawyer: Look aroun' Pipin, We aint in The Shire no more.

Locke: Not necessarily James, The Island brought us here. To this Place. To This time. I am a man of faith and my faith has never been wrong.

Sawyer: why if it isn' ol captain Ahab, just “hanging” around.

Anna Lucia: Rather hanged than shot

Michael: Anna, pst, you aint supposed to be here. You suppose to be looking for Walt WALT WALT WALT. That boy gone and grown up so much – must be the islands power

Libby: hello Michael, remember me?

Michael: no, I don’t remember you Elizabeth, I mean Libby, I never shoot you twice while you were holding a blanket in the bunker

Hugo: Dude, you’re such a liar. You totally shot Libby, my Libby.

Michael: it was either that or get flattened by your fat ass

Hugo: not cool dude, I’m just big boned. I’m still spry. I only weigh 4 8 15 16 23 42 pounds.

Claire: AARRRG My baby, My Baby Where’s my baby…Somebody took my baby. Has anyone seen my baby. AARRG someone took my baby

Kate: Claire, you gave him to me, remember?

Claire: What? Aaron was with you? craaikie, oh yeah, I ran off to sort out my daddy issues.

Kate: Next time carry some gasoline and lighter, that’s how I got rid of my daddy issues

Claire: My daddy is Christian

Kate: Did he know his little girl got pregnant out of wedlock? Not very Christian if you ask me

Claire: I’m gonna scratch your eyes out

Makhil: Bah. Eye joke. Only funny till you lose eye.

Jack: Enough, we cant keep fighting with each other. We are the survivors of oceanic flight 815, Ajira flight 315, Kakhuna suriviors and [high pitched gonna cry voice] if we cant live together, we going to die alone

Sawyer: Damn Straight, But look around Jeff Probst, the island has spoken and our torches have been snuffed out so I guess you were right, we all died together. Aint that just dandy

Suddenly a Loud thunderous sound

Mr Eko: I am not sorry. I did what I needed to do to survive for that I cannot be sorry.

Shannon: OMG! Mr like Eko so totally like farted

Charlie: It’s the French, the French are coming, I can smell the French!

Mr Eko: Nor Charlie. That was me, I have expelled the demons within in me and this air is now pungent with their odour

Sun: Jin, where are you

Jin: Sun, I cant see you

Sawyer: Hidden dragon, crouching tiger, stop squinting and open your eyes

Jin & Sun: we aren’t squinting and our eyes are opened!

Claire: Aaron! Where is my baby! Someone took my baby…again

Hugo: don’t panic Claire, quick how much does Aaron weigh?

Claire: I don’t know! Kate had my baby

Kate: he was 10 pounds, why?

Hugo: coz now I weigh 4 8 15 16 23 52 pounds. I had to do it, I had to break the numbers

Claire: No worries, I see a log over there, I will carve a face and name him Aaron

A burst of blinding light…enter Ben

Ben: hello and welcome to…

“doof” LOST

END of Season 7 Episode 1.  Epsisode 2 to follow next week...

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